Courses offered by SAMATVA YOGALAYA
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Yoga Teacher Training in Small Groups is Advantageous
Samatva Yogalaya under the leadership of Krishna Sikhwal is emerging as one of the better yoga schools in India. The reasons most yoga learners attribute to this success is that the Yogalaya teaches yoga in small groups of about a dozen students. If you wish to have qualitative yoga teacher training then it is a good idea to go to yoga schools that teach yoga in small group sizes rather than yoga learning mills. As a beginner who is undertaking the 200 hour TTC you can lay a better foundation if you learn yoga in small yoga group sizes where you will get more individual attention from the instructor. The same applies for advanced 300 hour and 500 hour TTC because it is easier to clarify your doubts and perfect your alignments when groups are small, which in the long run prepares you to become a yoga teacher of some stature.
Small Groups Offer a Personal Connect
Yoga is a growing trend as a number of people have a keen interest in improving their overall health and there is always a need for good yoga teachers. If you are interested in teaching the science of yoga to others then you getting to the depths of the science will be better achieved in a small group or class. In small groups the yoga instructors are not overburdened and can give each individual in class their undivided attention, which does not work well in bigger groups. The yoga instructors that have small groups patiently answer any questions you might have as they are feel it is not getting in the way of their completing the yoga TTC curriculum. In small groups teachers are better able to individual instructions so no learner remains in doubt about any aspect of the teaching course. The grounding and detailing, especially in a 200 hour TTC is important if you wish to advance to higher certification courses like the 500 hour TTC.
Small Group Learning Makes You Confident
There is enough research to prove that people who learn in smaller groups show better performance and results. In small peer groups the learner is not hesitant about expressing opinions or viewpoints and so the learning becomes a more enriching experience as each individual interacts better. Yoga instructors are also able to discuss yoga aspects, philosophy, texts, etc. at length which helps learners grasp all aspects of the training course. What this means for you as a yoga teacher trainer is that you become a more confident teacher yourself as you will have been able have a better understanding of yoga. You can teach yoga with more competence and integrity as your teacher training will have prepared you thoroughly and your understanding of yoga will be more complete.
Small Group Learning is Individualised
In a small yoga group the yoga instructors can observe learners better and help them understand their strengths and point to those aspects where you require improvement. Each individual in the small group benefits from this and the yoga training is able to move in the direction that will be most beneficial for the learners. The instructors can also observe how well the small group is responding to the yoga class and can speed up or slow down the training so the yoga teacher training progresses well. Instructors can also observe the yoga learners outside the class as they incorporate yoga into their daily life and help them strengthen their daily practice. In smaller groups the yoga instructors can even advance learning beyond the TTC curriculum if they feel that the learners have been able to respond well to the training and are prepared to take on the challenge of advanced learning.
The Ecosystem of Small Group Learning
The ecosystem of small groups is favourable to learning better and faster. The learners do not waste time and are not distracted or bored. Another advantage of learning yoga in small groups is that you overcome your hesitation sooner and are not awkward or shy in asking about issues that you find troubling or difficult to cope with. The individuals in the group get to know each other better as do the instructors and their understanding of the small group leads to more meaningful teaching with individualised feedback. Keeping these factors in mind Samatva Yogalaya consciously teaches yoga in small groups of not more than 12 students so that they can help yoga learners better their skills and knowledge of yoga. After your yoga teacher training at the Yogalaya you will find you are one among a community of teachers that is confident and capable of conducting yoga classes more effectively.
Small Groups Become Close-knit Communes
Small Groups are like a commune where they live together at the Yogalaya; share their thoughts, achievements and their future plans. You can form connections better in small groups as people are more prone to talk and interact in smaller groups. As the yoga teacher training progresses mutual understanding and respect for each individual in the small group grows which leads to lasting friendships. Connections made in these small group classes also build up a network of yoga teachers in a globalised community. These global networking connections can even be tapped into and can prove useful if you wish to run your own yoga studio or become yoga teachers in different countries of the world.