Yoga Courses for Beginners in Rishikesh, India
The 7 & 14 days beginners yoga course at Samatva Yogalaya is your first step into the world of yoga. It could be a step that could inspire you to turn towards a more serious study of yoga. There is no doubt that yoga can transform your life as it opens up your mind to new dimensions and positively alters your view of life’s journey.
Since ancient times Rishikesh has held a special place as a centre for yogic practices especially meditation. The peaceful atmosphere, the soul-stirring music induced by the flowing Ganges and the inspiring Himalayas instil a yearning for self- growth and spiritual realisation. It is no wonder then that today Rishikesh is the Yoga capital of the world. In a small way, we at Samatva Yogalaya do our bit to make available to the beginning learner authentic and traditional hatha yoga knowledge.
Schedule & Fee - 7 Days/50 Hours Beginners Yoga Course
Yoga for beginners in Rishikesh
Yoga has gained in popularity in recent times as it is seen as an effective tool to combat modern day health concerns. There is a great demand for the study of yoga because of health benefits. As a beginner yoga learner you will realise that yoga is much more than something that accrues health benefits. Most beginners realise that yoga is a process that unites the body, mind and spirit which leads the yoga learner to a state of true happiness. As a beginner yoga learner you will find that yoga is leading you towards self- realisation and this is something that will bring acceptance and much joy.
Schedule & Fee - 14 Days/100 Hours Yoga Course
At Samatva Yogalaya you will learn yoga under the guidance of a fully qualified yoga instructor. You will learn correct techniques of doing asana postures so you avoid injuries. You will learn that yoga has more elements than just asana because you will also be made aware of the true philosophy behind yoga theory, meditation, diet, etc. Also if you suffer from a disease the yoga instructor will be able to customise your yoga practice according to your individual needs.
So what are the benefits of Yoga for Beginners?
If you understand even a little bit of yoga you will know that yoga is not just a physical exercise as it lays emphasis on breathing which other forms of exercise do not. Healing benefits accrue when we control breathing while getting in and out of postures and when postures are held. Yoga movements and postures are so scientific that they help to release accumulated toxins in the body. Once you have mastered yoga postures your body will become so flexible that it will seem to be almost liquid. This flexibility, when achieved through constant practice, makes you feel much younger and stronger.
Yoga opens up your body and mind in a way that no blocks remain in the chakras and the body begins to exist as an organic unity with a rhythm that it creates as its own and which purifies it of toxins and prevents disease. Before you begin yoga, your body and mind resemble a chaotic market place and once you make yoga a part of your life your being will resemble a well-conducted orchestra playing sweet music.
Yoga for beginners in Rishikesh, India
Residential hatha yoga courses and retreats for beginners in India in Samatva Yogalaya, Rishikesh, India
Our yoga courses for beginners start on Mondays throughout the year. Arrival and departure on Sundays are recommended.
The 7 days & 14 days beginner’s yoga as well as 200 hours Yoga Teacher Training at Samatva Yogalaya, Rishikesh is ideal for enthusiasts beginners and gives you a chance to broaden your vision and realise the true scope of authentic yoga practices. It is quite possible that your beginner’s yoga experience here will turn you into a yogi for a lifetime!