Courses offered by SAMATVA YOGALAYA
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The aim of yoga is to show you the path that will lead to self discovery. It is not a hurried process because you need to absorb and assimilate all the aspects of yoga to be fully learned. Only if you follow the teachings with full integrity will you find your pure and true nature. The lifestyle that modern age has forced people to adopt has taken them away from nature and that is the reason that many are unable to find themselves. The life that we lead seems limited and artificial where the spirit seems starved of sustenance.
Yoga teachers have years of practice and experience
Yoga teachers have years of practice and experience and so they are able to guide yoga teacher trainees in a way that leads to an all round growth. They consider each person individually while teaching and never work beyond limitations of the individual. Each aspect of yoga is taught in harmonious surroundings where nature can be seen and appreciated. The yogic community living in a yoga school provides an environment of inquiry which enables students to search out answers that will take them towards self realization. Yoga teaches you to get back in touch with your feelings and to look at all human beings with an attitude of service.
The world today is machine oriented where the personal touch is missing.
The world today is machine oriented where the personal touch is missing. This dehumanization has caused us to lose the very spirit that lives within us all. Spirituality that has been starved of food can once again be revived with regular yogic practice. Yoga taught correctly and practiced correctly opens the mind to new vistas of thought that take you to our innermost spirit. However, the various yoga schools have differing methods of teaching and so you have to look for one that will take you on beautiful spiritual journey.